HiFi Plus Magazine EDITORS CHOICE Award 2020



Date: 2020-6-11




If you like to listen to music with a sense of narrative or like the story that a piece can tell then I might suggest that ChordMusic is something you should seriously consider.”


The reasoning behind The Chord Company’s flagship cable – ChordMusic – can be summed up in a single sentence: conventional dielectrics are not phase stable at room temperatures. The one exception to this rule – called Taylon by the company – is expensive, proprietary, and until recently, a very hush-hush Deep-State-Black-Helicopters-Official-Secrets-Act-Military-Industrial-Complex kind of material. In essence, ChordMusic is what happens when you take The Chord Company’s top Sarum T cable and add even more Taylon insulation.


In our test of a complete ChordMusic wired system, Chris Thomas felt that, “the cabling is tonally rich, very smooth, and notably powerful. Actually you might well need to adjust the position of your speakers if you try it because it asks a lot of them, particularly in the bass. But, if you like to listen to music with a sense of narrative or like the story that a piece can tell then I might

suggest that ChordMusic is something you should seriously consider.” He felt its ability with vocals was especially strong: “On all types of bands from all eras ChordMusic is superb with vocals generally, but the way it deals with multi-vocals and their interaction is among the best I have heard. It’s the shape and rock-solid stability of the harmonies that is so fascinating to me and the

way they weave themselves in and around the music, supporting the main vocal, and adding richness and harmonic polish” adding that, “In short, it is remarkably coherent top to bottom with a notable sense of ease and natural tonality too.”