新品介紹: OCTAVE HP 700 模組設計前級的升級版 HP 700 SE



Date: 2020-09-28


Octave HP 700前級放大器具有成功的悠久歷史,其基本電路起源於1986年首次推出的經典HP 500型號。這一概念已經持續發展了30多年,並引起了全世界的關注。

真空管精準技術和智能模塊化技術,從一開始就應用在HP 700適應於用家不同要求,是市場上的一項創新。由於新技術被開發出來,該是對聲音和技術方面再進一步推動創新HP 700的時候。新型HP 700 SE是一款真空管前級放大器,設置了最新真空管精準技術和經音調細化的輸出級。像前身 HP 700 一樣,其模塊化的自由度滿足了用家對定製高端設置個性化的要求,不被器材固定的音響及技術參數束縛,HP 700 SE的模組化技術可以根據自己的需求和取向進行調整......


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Simple and refined-Exposure XM CD, XM7 pre-amp, XM9 mono power-amp




Big equipment equals good sound? This kind of thinking seems to have many believer. After all, we are generally accustomed to using devices with a 17-inch panel width, so that a narrower panel seems to be a feature with limited performance. Isn't that true? In fact, some parts don't need to be that big and still remain lots of space inside.


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Father of modern Chicago blues《Muddy Waters》



  In 1964, Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards went to Chicago to meet an old guitarist. When he stepped into the gate of Chase Records, he saw a worker painting the wall and asked: "Can you find Muddy Waters here?", "I am exactly" the worker turned his face and replied. Richards was stunned for an instant. This worker with some paints on his face was the idol he was going to visit...


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What is the standard of sound for Hi-Fi?




Article from《Xuite blog》

Audio is a personal hobby, so many friends will pursue the sound that they like, because the audio is listened to by themselves. Of course, this is understandable, but when be with a group of people that enjoy HI-Fi as much as you do, If you want to ask everyone to agree with your favorite voice, it may not be what you want, because it involves everyone's requirements. If you really want people to agree at this time, your Hi-Fi voice must meet the required standard voice, otherwise just play with a few friends who have the same orientation, so that you don't have to get angry with all the opinions afterwards......


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